Much more than a certification.

In a highly competitive market such as the transport and logistics, efficiently and clearly inform your current and future customers about your distinctive features is essential to stand out from the competition.

Transport Compliance Rating – TCR is the first international and fair assessment model, specifically dedicated to transport and logistics sector, that assigns an exact numerical value (rating) to an organization according to its compliance with the model identified requirements. These requirements are defined by Clients and manufacturers, in order to make a conscious supplier selection.

Unlike the majority of certifications, TCR does not just judge the company compliance with specific regulations or standards (compliant/non-compliant), but assigns an overall score that expresses the degree of compliance.
TCR helps virtuous transport and logistics companies to differentiate themselves from the competitors that offer low cost services at the expense of legal compliance and reliability. TCR promotes the correctness and loyalty of market competition.

TCR, the ethic model that promotes virtuous transport companies

Advantages and benefits
How TCR might help your company

  • Your company clearly know what your customers want and what you need to work with them.

  • The company compliance degree with the model basic requirements is represented for the first time by a clear and impartial score.

  • TCR puts all the carriers at the same level, in order to fairly compete for tenders.

  • Company efforts and investments are finally acknowledged and awarded by high scores.

  • TCR helps companies to retain current customers, acquire new ones and gain international exposure.

  • TCR is an ethic model which complies with the principles of fairness between Clients and carriers.

  • Long-term and clear relationships: TCR facilitates the relationship between the Clients and transport companies, establishing long-term collaborations.

Access the assessment process, in 4 steps.


Sign up online and apply for obtaining the TCR rating.


Answer to the online questionnaire and provide the required documents, which will be analyzed by expert Auditors. Our Customer Service will be at your disposal for any question you might have.


Expert auditors will verify the actual and correct implementation of the documentation in the company premises and will assign a temporary score for each assessed area.


After the appropriate checks , the Certification Body will assign the final rating. You will obtain an overall rating and a score for each assessed area. Your company will join the Directory of evaluated companies which can be consulted by Clients internationally.

Would you like to learn more about TCR assessment process?

Vuoi sapere di più sull’iter di valutazione TCR?

Would you like to access to the Due Diligence phase to obtain the TCR rating?

Vuoi accedere alla fase istruttoria per ottenere il Rating TCR?